Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hello Froggy

What's with the crown? and why are you blushing?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there was a princess who found a frog.
And he was very very very cute. So she decided that 
she would keep him.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


For the first time in quite awhile, I went out and did some painting from life. It's been awhile so I was a bit nervous. It's not like you can magically turn on your drawing/painting abilities. Either you've kept them in practice or you haven't and it is what it is. If you're tired it shows. If you haven't been drawing it shows. And there is no place to hide. It just is what it is. So here's the progression of our lovely model:

If feel like I have a bit of an unusual drawing method. It's far more light value patches than it is real line drawings. Used a texture I've made and a bit of CS5 brushwork.

Slowly working my way through with the left side of the face and figuring out the color planes. 

At this stage, I'm just really not sure about the drawing. I think I'll have to look at it with fresh eyes in couple days to really have an opinion of my own work. It's like you have blinders on when you work on a piece from beginning to end without stopping really. Can't see your own drawing mistakes. The eyes are what is bugging me. Still not positive my final piece fixed it.

But many thanks to our lovely model who allowed us to paint her. :) It was a blast. :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thirty One: Cats and Women

Both I think are highly stereotyped, (cause my cat is awesome and plays tag) but sometimes, I think they were made for each other...

Last day of the challenge. I'm sure I'll be posting with other work that I have done soon. Maybe mid-August. For now: Vacation :)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Twenty Eight: Studied Acouple Strokes Too Far...

You know when you intend to do a sketch, and then it becomes tonal, and then it's all wrong and it becomes a color study? let's just call it a color sketch...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nineteen: Moe's Mondays

Saw this older gentleman at Moe's. Of course as soon as I started to draw he got up and walked around and never sat across from me again, so I had to finish it from memory. It's semi-close to accurate.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Fifteen: Finishing up at Six Flags

that last roller coaster was a doozy
Wooden roller coasters....
You done?

Fourteen: My Life on the Ocean

Thirteen: Visiting Dragon

 Same people, but ideas for some of the men.

Twelve: Whatcha gonna do with Varmints?

Costume ideas for a story I'm working on...

Eleven: Airplane Sights

Two kids across the aisle from me were really bored, so they kept looking around to see what everyone else was doing...

Ten: Officer Bob

Went through the airport and ran into a friend of mine. He requested to be drawn and drawings are what I'm doing this month, so here you go Bob.

Nine: Foxes

A friend of mine loves foxes, so... these guys showed up on my cousin's road and I took a bunch of pictures, and this is the modified version of those shots. Very modified. Didn't include the little baby they had with them, so maybe for another post

Eight: Portrait; Agustino Carracci

I did this in Boston, while my family was vacationing. It was in a little book by an (in my mind) obscure artist. Never heard of him before but I really liked his work, which means, I really should have heard of him before. This was my sketch of his favorite sketch in the book. I'm a fan now

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Seven: Planting Potted Cucumbers

My sister was pulling her potted cucumber plants
 over to the garden today and I thought it was cute, so I sketched it. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Six: Cling On

More of one of my main characters and her little companion.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 2 Little Guardian

At the edge of a forest lived a little training guardian, protector of the ancient burial grounds.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

31 Day Challenge Begins!

Beginning a 31 day challenge on a whim. Been working on my story, so I'm drawing anyway. Now you guys will actually get to see what I'm working on :) Enjoy