Thursday, July 31, 2014

Twenty Eight: Studied Acouple Strokes Too Far...

You know when you intend to do a sketch, and then it becomes tonal, and then it's all wrong and it becomes a color study? let's just call it a color sketch...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nineteen: Moe's Mondays

Saw this older gentleman at Moe's. Of course as soon as I started to draw he got up and walked around and never sat across from me again, so I had to finish it from memory. It's semi-close to accurate.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Fifteen: Finishing up at Six Flags

that last roller coaster was a doozy
Wooden roller coasters....
You done?

Fourteen: My Life on the Ocean

Thirteen: Visiting Dragon

 Same people, but ideas for some of the men.

Twelve: Whatcha gonna do with Varmints?

Costume ideas for a story I'm working on...

Eleven: Airplane Sights

Two kids across the aisle from me were really bored, so they kept looking around to see what everyone else was doing...

Ten: Officer Bob

Went through the airport and ran into a friend of mine. He requested to be drawn and drawings are what I'm doing this month, so here you go Bob.

Nine: Foxes

A friend of mine loves foxes, so... these guys showed up on my cousin's road and I took a bunch of pictures, and this is the modified version of those shots. Very modified. Didn't include the little baby they had with them, so maybe for another post

Eight: Portrait; Agustino Carracci

I did this in Boston, while my family was vacationing. It was in a little book by an (in my mind) obscure artist. Never heard of him before but I really liked his work, which means, I really should have heard of him before. This was my sketch of his favorite sketch in the book. I'm a fan now

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Seven: Planting Potted Cucumbers

My sister was pulling her potted cucumber plants
 over to the garden today and I thought it was cute, so I sketched it. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Six: Cling On

More of one of my main characters and her little companion.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 2 Little Guardian

At the edge of a forest lived a little training guardian, protector of the ancient burial grounds.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

31 Day Challenge Begins!

Beginning a 31 day challenge on a whim. Been working on my story, so I'm drawing anyway. Now you guys will actually get to see what I'm working on :) Enjoy